Writing a new command

There are two types of commands in the CLI project, either add a new command to the CLI tools, that gives a normal terminal command, or build a command for the Mailman custom shell.

Writing a new command for Command tools

To write a new command for the command line tools, the following steps are to be followed.

  • Decide a command name and arguments expected
  • Decide whether the command comes under a scope. Currently

the following scopes are supported

  • users
  • domains
  • preferences
  • lists

The new command can either be under any of these scopes or can exist independently without a scope.

  • If the new command BAR is to be added to an existing scope FOO, the command would look like FOO BAR, where FOO is the action and BAR is the scope

  • Add a new parser to the action parser as:

    new_cmd = action.add_parser('FOO')

    Add the scope as follows:

    scope = new_cmd.add_subparser(dest='scope')
    FOO_BAR = scope.add_parser('BAR')
  • Add the arguments as follows:

    FOO_BAR.add_argument('-x','--xxxx',help='<help text>',[required=True/False])
  • Add the action method in the core/bar.py file, to the Bar class. In effect, the action method would be core.bar.Bar.action. Note that the function name must be same as the action name

  • If there is no specific scope, skip the scope parser and add the action the Misc class under core/misc.py. The action would be core.misc.Misc.action

Writing a new command for the Shell

To write a new shell command, first add a new parser for the command to the client/parsers directory.

Add the command method to the client/shell.py

Import the parser in the corresponding method and parse the user input, present in the self.line attribute to obtain the arguments. Perform the action.